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Originally delivered on 11/1/2023 8:48 pm

SUBJECT: November 2023

Hey Everybody!

It is officially holiday season... which probably means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. The holiday season can mean frantically cleaning the house to prepare for the in-laws to visit, finding the best way to purchase only what you went to the store to buy, saying "no" to another scented candle, looking for that perfect present, or starting new traditions. No matter which way you look at it the holiday season is a very busy season, it's the same for our Falcons... a very busy season. Here is what's coming up this month. 

Falcon Family Homeroon Helpers

These classes are still in need of a Falcon Family Helper. 

What is a Falcon Family Helper you might ask... As a Falcon Family Helper your job is to assist the teacher (or even lead, if you are comfortable)with the activities/snack provided by PTO for the Holiday Party and End of Year Party. If this sounds interesting and you'd like more info or would like to sign up to support one of these classes please email

November 3rd: Spirit Shop

November 6th - 7th: No School

November 10th: Veterans Day Event (@ 2:30p)

November 18th - 26th: Thanksgiving Break

November 30th: Fall Picture Retakes

Spirit Shop

Spirit Shop is where we open up shop during all lunches, on the first Friday of each month, for students to buy little knick knacks or busy toys. We have a variety of items from pencils and pencil toppers to slime and stress balls. All items are for sale at 25 cents and up to 2$. This is a fun little way for kids to practice working within a budget and our volunteers are happy to help teach/practice the value of coins and staying within your budget. If you would like to volunteer to help with this please click HERE.  

Let's Talk Yearbooks...

Did you know that our yearbook presale is going on right now? Yes, right now so click the picture (to the left) to order yours today before they go to full price!

Want Your Pictures in the Yearbook?

We would love for you to share pictures of your child(ren) throughout the year! Click HERE for the step by step instructions on how to upload your very own pictures to our Balfour Image Share. Balfour Image Share is an app available for download on Apple and Android that allows you to connect to our account and add pictures that we can use in our yearbook. Not all photos will be added to the yearbook but we try to use as many photos possible. 

*Fun Fact: all photos for the yearbook are submitted from teachers, Falcon staff, and YOU*

 Our Falcons and their families worked so hard with our fundraiser earlier this year! We are so excited to share with you and congratulate you on raising 


The prizes each student earned for reaching sale goals should be delivered to them, during class, Friday November 3rd (Wednesday November 8th at the latest - no school Monday 11/6 or Tuesday 11/7). 

Thank you all again! Go Falcons!

Celebrate with Yard Love

Thank you for helping us show our awesome Falcon staff how much we appreciate them by donating the best yard sign! If you have any yard sign needs, be sure to check them out

Half Baked

We loved celebrating our awesome staff at Farney with a delicious sweet treat! Thank you so much for donating to the Farney Elementary PTO Staff Appreciation!

For any sweets lovers out there check them out.

Kroger Rewards

We wanted to take a brief moment to shout "Thank You!" to Kroger rewards for partnering with us to raise money for our Falcons. If you have a Kroger account, be sure to link Farney PTO to it so we can continue to earn a small percentage from your purchases! For more info on how to make this possible please email our treasurer at 

Cypress Storage

Thank You! to Cypress Storage (on Cypress Rosehill) for donating storage space for our PTO items. With all the construction and our growing Falcon Family having this space to hold our various festival, spirit night, spirit shop, fundraiser, and party supplies has been amazing. So thank you Cypress Storage for supporting the Farney Elementary PTO! 

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